Jouer avec Kerberos

5 mars, 2024·
Baptiste Crépin
Baptiste Crépin
· 3 min. de lecture

⚠️ Depuis le commit 54babd7 l’échange d’informations sensibles sans LDAPS est supportée.

La plupart du temps, j’utilise l’authentification NTML mais parfois, on doit se débrouiller avec un TGT ou ST kerberos et ça serait dommage de ne pas les utiliser pour essayer d’élever ses privilèges dans l’AD. Alors voyons comment faire ça avec bloodyAD.


# Get a TGT (For GSSAPI the server name must be the FQDN)
$ -dc-ip bloody.local/Administrator:p@ssw0rd
Impacket v0.9.24 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation

2022-05-05 10:11:19.028227
[*] Saving ticket in Administrator.ccache

# Get a ST (For GSSAPI the spn is case sensitive)
$ -no-pass -k -dc-ip -spn ldap/win-ij5b521uo5l.bloody.local "BLOODY.LOCAL/Administrator"
Impacket v0.9.24 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] Using TGT from cache
[*] Getting ST for user
[*] Saving ticket in Administrator.ccache

# Use bloodyAD with Kerberos auth (using a TGT or a ST)
## Add the credential cache generated in the default path
$ export KRB5CCNAME="Administrator.ccache"

## Check if the ticket is in default path, not expired, for the right client/server
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:Administrator.ccache
Default principal: Administrator@BLOODY.LOCAL

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
05/05/2022 19:42:54  06/05/2022 05:42:54  krbtgt/BLOODY.LOCAL@BLOODY.LOCAL
	renew until 06/05/2022 19:42:55

## If your DNS doesn't resolve
## Note: second level domain name with ".local" added to /etc/hosts doesn't resolve on some Manjaro versions
# see
$ sudo echo " win-ij5b521uo5l.bloody.local bloody.local" >> /etc/hosts

## And now the magic happens
$ python -k -d bloody.local -u Administrator --host WIN-IJ5B521UO5L.bloody.local get object 'DC=bloody,DC=local' --attr msDS-Behavior-Version

distinguishedName: DC=bloody,DC=local
msDS-Behavior-Version: DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2016


Le code ci-dessous montre comment générer un TGT ou ST et comment ils sont utilisés avec bloodyAD dans un environnement Windows. Bien sûr dans la majorité des cas on a déjà des tickets disponibles. Dans ce cas allez directement à la partie bloodyAD.

# Get a TGT
(venv) PS > python .\venv\Scripts\ -dc-ip bloody/Administrator:p@ssw0rd
Impacket v0.9.24 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] Saving ticket in Administrator.ccache

# Get a ST from the TGT
(venv) PS > ren Administrator.ccache adminTGT.ccache
(venv) PS > $env:krb5ccname="adminTGT.ccache"
(venv) PS > python .\venv\Scripts\ -no-pass -k -dc-ip -spn ldap/WIN-IJ5B521UO5L.bloody.local "BLOODY/Administrator" 
Impacket v0.9.24 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] Using TGT from cache
[*] Getting ST for user
[*] Saving ticket in Administrator.ccache

# Use bloodyAD with Kerberos auth (using a TGT or a ST)
## First convert ccache in kirbi if necessary
(venv) PS > python .\venv\Scripts\ Administrator.ccache Administrator.kirbi
Impacket v0.9.24 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] converting ccache to kirbi...
[+] done

## Inject the ticket in memory if needed
(venv) PS > .\mimikatz.exe "kerberos::ptt d:\gold\documents\bloodyAD\Administrator.kirbi"

  .#####.   mimikatz 2.2.0 (x64) #19041 Aug 10 2021 17:19:53
 .## ^ ##.  "A La Vie, A L'Amour" - (oe.eo)
 ## / \ ##  /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( )
 ## \ / ##       >
 '## v ##'       Vincent LE TOUX             ( )
  '#####'        > / ***/

mimikatz(commandline) # kerberos::ptt d:\gold\documents\bloodyAD\Administrator.kirbi

* File: 'd:\gold\documents\bloodyAD\Administrator.kirbi': OK

## Check if the ticket is in memory, not expired, for the right client/server
(venv) PS > klist

Current LogonId is 0:0x75af1

Cached Tickets: (1)

#0>     Client: Administrator @ BLOODY.LOCAL
        Server: ldap/WIN-IJ5B521UO5L.bloody.local @ BLOODY.LOCAL
        KerbTicket Encryption Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96
        Ticket Flags 0x804a0000 -> reserved initial 0xa0000
        Start Time: 5/4/2022 18:56:50 (local)
        End Time:   5/5/2022 4:54:52 (local)
        Renew Time: 0
        Session Key Type: RSADSI RC4-HMAC(NT)
        Cache Flags: 0
        Kdc Called:

## Install winkerberos > 0.9.0
(venv) PS > pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall winkerberos

## And now the magic happens
## (Don't forget to add an entry in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts for WIN-IJ5B521UO5L.bloody.local if needed)
(venv) PS > python -k -d bloody.local -u Administrator --host WIN-IJ5B521UO5L.bloody.local get object 'DC=bloody,DC=local' --attr msDS-Behavior-Version

distinguishedName: DC=bloody,DC=local
msDS-Behavior-Version: DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2016
Baptiste Crépin
Baptiste Crépin
Expert en cybersécurité
Passionné en cybersécurité, spécialisé dans les technologies Active Directory/Cloud Azure et intervenant à la Black Hat US.